Redaction of B2BALTIC Magazine talks about the prestigious Italian Baltic startups & trading “hub” that since 2013 has been the first “media-talented” European acceleration-centre for managing investments and projects between Italian “elegance-class” entrepreneurship and the Nordics. And viceversa, moving Nordic talent focus towards to Italy. The trading centre has been involved in international development such us, commercial real estate, furniture & design, food & beverage, luxury goods, cosmetics, yachts & boats, oldtimer cars, and IT software. We have to admit, the power of the made-in-Italy is never-ending influencing. The hub of B2BALTIC, which runs advanced digital TV facilities since 2017, has cooperated with ITALY BALTIC TRADING COMMUNITY for interviewing – mostly – best Italian brands, best startups ideas, or spinoffs with future. Members, investors, and “angels” have been seen active in 14 countries with the following operation centres: Riga (Latvia), Tallinn (Estonia), Vilnius (Lithuania), Helsinki (Finland), Saint-Petersburg (Russia), Stockholm (Sweden), Warsaw (Poland), Copenhagen (Denmark), Oslo (Norway), Berlin (Germany). In Italy in Milano, Bologna, Forli, Genova, and Bari.
One of the most common question we receive is the following “how we can enter the Italian Baltic accelerator?” , or this one “is Italy-Baltic also good for my type of industry?”. Well, to enter the hub and the community there are many ways. One is to visit us in Riga or Tallinn. Alternative is online-sharing and networking for projects, brands and investments. Then you are no longer alone. But the hub is not interested in “just networking” since years. They want a “focus” on a specific matter, then they create a team around. The business model of the Italians together with the Nordics is for sure one of the best we have ever seen: the “sharing” with quality in communication, and high digitalization.
The main sponsors of Italy Baltic are: B2BALTIC TELEVISION, Janetschek & Partners Attorneys, and the Movement Smart&Digitalcities. If you are already member of one of these 3 structures, then you can easily requires to be part of Italy-Baltic Hub! You have to opportunity to join this great community for exchange and enrichment.

This is for sure the right place for Italian-International lovers, both for Nordics and for Italians.
>>JOIN ON LINKEDIN: The hub also provide the members with a LinkedIn presence with about 1000 selected members. (only for members)
Italy-Baltic Trading found alliance and promote NGO Italian structures: Non-Profit Club Federation Club IN Milan, Alma Mater Foundation of University of Bologna, Dante Alighieri Worldwide Association, DACH-I German Italia Network, DBS Doing Business Sweden (for startups and investments in Stockholm, Malmo and Gotheborg, B2BALTIC TELEVISION, Luxury Nordic Hub LNH, Smartdy Television & Technology, and many others.
The Italy-Baltic Community provides the members with 5 beautiful historical locations (valid also in the Corona times). 1 noble palace in Genova of 1500. 1 middle-age castle of 1100 close to Bologna. 3 in Latvia (2 in Riga and 1 in the countryside at the lake). These 5 locations are perfect place for prestigious meetings, conferences or expos. However Itally Baltic provide also a suitable location in best Baltic hotels in Lithuania (Klaipeda, Palanga, Vilnius), Estonia (Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu), Finland (Helsinki), Sweden (Stockholm city).
The hub provide facilities to create media contents, short-films, live conferences and video-advertising thank B2BALTIC WebTV . Italy Baltic is connected with WEBINARS TELEVISION, the channel for producing and broadcasting any time of sales-webinar or presentation with plenty of guests. There are also other channels: one for Real Estate, and one for women entrepreneurs (only women). All channels are compatible with the Nordic television format for executive-talks “Directors TV 24″.

Main Specialization of Italy Baltic Accelerator. What Italian Baltic are doing since years.
- Import/Export furniture, house-systems, luxury design and equipment, for commercial and residential premises;
- Technology, innovation smart tools for smart-cities;
- Real Estate developments and restructuring;
- Construction of retail shops, hotels, logistic centers, shopping malls, professional offices, luxury villas;
- SPA & Wellness, planning and full construction in 24 countries with top design;
- Art restoration, art conservation in Italy and in the Nordics for profit and non-profit;
- Import/Export of food, wine, gastronomy;
- Internationalization process for Startups, onshoring, offshoring, sales, marketing, crowdfunding campaign assistance;
- Accounting, Audit, company formations, banking, legal support (over 140 lawyers) for trade, credits, operations, holdings;
- Business Travels and Tour-Operations between Italy and Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Poland, both for leisure and business traveling.
- Sales of Yachts, sailing boats, luxury boats any size with premises for parking in Riga, Genova, Helsinki.
- Creation of Retail communities with blockchain technology, accepting cryptocurrency and other locals.
- Charity exclusively focussed to Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian kids in need of more social support.
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