Presence on LinkedIn since 2014…
The community also offer a LinkedIn group, which counts about 400 members (see list of B2BALTIC LinkedIn groups with over 17.000 members on the professional network of LinkedIn According to statistics the hub has connections around the world with over 3500 system-integrator: this makes easier to find local partners, resellers and more developers to adapt your technology to their platforms. All the members and tech-activist in B2BALTIC TECH HUB are about 1000 coporates. This is a good reason for joining the group too and propose projects, work on common deals, organize conferences, search for investors, travel and enjoying development.

B2BALTIC is definitevely the new disruptor of the digital-transformation, because of its global background and top cyber, ICT and media gurus. The hub has been years long dealing with business digitalization, enterprise software, internet hosting, webTV cloud, CDNs, retail tools, social technology, smartcity-solutions, cyber&network security, safe digital payments via banks or blockchains. The B2BALTIC Tech Hub, which is operative since 2014 inside the community, is promoter, connector and organizer of hundreds of activities.
Hot trends since 2017 are definitevely two: the cybersecurity and the retail technology. Regarding cybersecurity, we describe the coming conference in October 2019 and the meeting in May 2019 in the next paragraph. The retail technology has been showed by mentioning an example, showing one of our community stores in Europe, with integration of media devices, and software for facilitating consumer´s experience: how retail store can integrate visual-merchandising you see on this article.
Recently the tech department also integrates a new digital services for WebTV integration based on the famous Television cloud of B2BALTIC: this system is able to make you programming your own video play-list in a professional way, like you were launching your own business Television, with live-syndacation to all your social media accounts such us YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Twitter/Periscope Live and many mores. The TV platform of B2BALTIC also provides streaming software and hardware equipment for professionals, you can use for your most important live events such us conferences, meetings, speech, concerts, sport. In case of need there are TV coach and trainers on demand.
International Cyberconferences
Together with its members, B2BALTIC organizes top conferences for cybersecurity, network and computer security, for enterprises and governments, plus legal topics related to data protection, GDPR ruling, privacy, legal matters involved: check the date: see upcoming events, for the next cyberconference. The hub offers several opportunities for watching free tech webinars on the open Business TV, otherwise you can join conferences in main cities.
How you can to collaborate with this kind of advanced “difficult” big tech team.
Believing that LinkedIn networking will make you achieving all your next goals is wrong. Networking exchange is valuable only when there are active members and good contents to show. You can try however. We believe that the opportunity is offered to who has big spirit of initiative, clear ideas with clear products, activist in its own business world, and sharing it with others. Sometimes it is required to have quite a good budget for marketing, because only with sales-pushing or smart engagement they react. It´s recommended to participate to the hub events, for having several opportunity to meet up with our tech geeks. Register as member of B2BALTIC hub is the first step.
Work group categories inside.
The main categories of B2BALTIC members accepted in hightech workgroup are: Information Technology, Computer Software, Hardware, Networking, Electronic Manufacturing, Consumer Electronics, Telecommunications, Industrial Automation, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Design & Computer Graphics, Civil Engineering, Medical Devices, Metals, Pharmaceuticals, Plastics, Renewable & Environment, Research, Semiconductors, Retail intelligence, Machinery, Robotics, Aerospace, Mobile Apps development, DAM, ECM, ERP, BI, CRM, and Cybersecurity. Group access is also open to recruiting companies, HR-managers looking for tech specialists (but restricted, only for recruiters members of the community!).