More than 17.000 of our members have joined our networking groups. Also on LinkedIn
As a member you are invited to share smart contents, to upload your business videos, webinars, projects, research, best-product presentation or documentary. Members may also ask access to the Workplace platform on Facebook. The covid times disrupted plenty of our offline events around the globe, but we continued with online events, also empowering the webinars platform, the big winner of these times.
You will find also the “non-profit” group for social causes sponsored by B2BALTIC Television. We´d like to feature the social activity of WHITE CROSS UNION, an international associations of rescue volunteers, civil protection and officers for good.
- (6300+) global movement smart&digitalcities (ex Nordic Baltic Hub B2BALTIC),
- (400+) high-tech geeks and system integrators
- (50+, new !) WEBINARS TELEVISION EUROPE for Digital Transformation
- (1044) retailers and wholesalers,
- (425) real estate professionals, construction and brokers
- (400+) communicators, event managers, PR, media broadcasters,
- (300+) social & non-profit professionals of White Cross Union
- (1000+) startup funding, for new projects and investors (experimental)
- (550+) pharmaceutical & biotech trade, startups
- (90+) music professional and producers
- (450+) luxury for buyers/sellers/brands (LUXURY NORDIC HUB LNH);
- (2850+) Swedish regional in partnership with DOING BUSINESS SWEDEN;
- (1220+ and 160+) German/Austrian/Swiss/Italian regional DACH-I for business speakers and profi-talkers (2 groups);
- (1000+ and 190+) Italy Baltic Trading Hub. (2 groups)
Our Facebook extraordinary professional groups for policies, politics, talks, with Radio Podcast
Access reserved to Baltic/German/Austrian/Swiss citizens + members only, or to our community business sponsors!
- (TOP 1500) Initiative European Austrian Security & Policy Forum (only for German speakers: discussion focused on smartcity, police, law, anti-terrorism, unrest)
- (NEW 400+) Baltic Regional Group Talk for businesses, people and policies (only in English for Baltic residents and Nordic startups)
The first European media platform for citizens at the side of the police
Created and supported since 2020 by the Movement Smart&Digitalcities. B2BALTIC is one of the provider for media technology for the first European media/television platform for citizens who want to stay at the side of the police in the European Union, against street violence, terrorism, unrest. The platform is in German language for German speakers, but connected to Tallinn, Helsinki, Riga and Vilnius. Non-German speakers may sponsor the channel as entrepreneurs, or participate as security experts. TV and Radio-Podcast Enter PRO POLIZEI TV.
Best sales solution in Covid time, and after: Moderated professional online sales webinars with top speakers. Live+TV/Moderator possible.
Webinars are the new trend for showing your own business products and services. Webinar are not new thing, about 12 years ago business people started to use webinar platforms. The revolutionary thing is that webinars can go now on TV, even in LIVE broadcasting, or recorded and transformed into “infomercial” for a continuous TV promotion. Webinars are usually for sales-purpose or academic. The power of broadcasting and new media communications have definitively changed the face of the modern concept of webinar. They are useful for your videomarketing strategy and for your future advertising. You can also connect LIVE for example on public YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or other TV cable private channels, CDN, Satellites on demand, thank B2BALTIC Television Hub).
⇒Click here to candidate your next webinar, and book the time
On B2BALTIC centre, you can share your best projects, brands, causes or products on global scale or regional through multiple TV networks
- press release,
- sales webinars,
- conferences live or recorded,
- product launch,
- business events,
- social mission,
- researches, documentary,
- polls,
- professional films and business movies,
- Q&A to other members, help requests,
- blogs/vlogs
- best videos
- social causes
Making a Radio Podcast instead a video casting?
B2BAltic created in 2018 B2BALTIC Television to boost the video contents of the members. From 2019 to 2020 B2BALTIC was the first B2B television platform in Europe which was able to stream 24/24 h every day with a business palimpsest of corporate contents. However, B2BALTIC has been approaching also the development of radio-podcasts using the American model, and global famous platform such us Spotify and iTunes. The most successful Radio-Podcast developed by B2BALTIC Team is the one of the Pro-Police Television in Vienna and Berlin. Launched in 2021, it is the first podcast for audio contents in German languages related to police and national security. Would you like to have a podcast for your business, association, or for personal purpose too? B2BALTIC offers: development, hardware/software equipment, launch, marketing, training, advise. Be a member of B2BALTIC and requires Radio-Podcasting for your business.